
动画  日本 法国  2025 


The Obinata Fireworks Shop factory is getting prepared for an administrative action for confiscation tomorrow. It has been six years since Keitaro has been holed up in a closed-down factory creating fireworks by himself, chasing after an illusion of his father who vanished. It is a story about three young people who overcome the extreme weather conditions, disasters and environmental problems imposed on them and establish their own identities.   四宮義俊表示,這部作品從 2016 年就開始計畫,隨著時光流逝,他自己身邊的環境和風景也有了變化,這段時間中他築構了自己的家庭。他說,某天自己的孩子從灌木叢的縫隙中看到了不存在的「海洋」,並詢問了他。而他仔細一看後發現是一排排的太陽能板。新的世代帶給他的全新詮釋,對他來說具有非凡的意義。也在那個瞬間驅使了故事的展開,當時僅是一個小部分的事件,隨著時間的經過故事就變得越來越真實。在企劃開始後八年的現在,他希望能像大家傳達這些資訊,對他來說也是一種小小的奇蹟。雖然距離完成還有很長的一段路,但他相當高興能夠一邊創作一邊讓大家慢慢了解這部作品。


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