
剧情 传记 历史  俄罗斯  1920 


One of the few pre-Revolution Russian feature films to survive, Father Sergius is an elaborate picturization of a Tolstoy novel. Ivan Mozzhukin plays a young, libertine officer who thinks nothing of committing casual sins while in the service of the Czar. He comes to regret his misdeeds as he grows older, his past debaucheries manifesting themselves in his wizened face and desiccated body. He wanders up and down the countryside, searching for redemption. Director Feodor Protazanov emphasized the high and low points of Mozhukin's life by filming in the actual palaces and private clubs described by Tolstoy in his novel. The overall theme of corruption in high places automatically resulted in Father Sergius being banned by the Czarist censors, though the film found a more receptive audience once the government passed into the hands of the revolutionaries.   http://baike.baidu.com/view/1682027.htm   《谢尔盖神父》是俄罗斯作家列夫•托尔斯泰写于1912的一部中短篇小说。从内容上《谢尔盖神父》讲述了,神父谢尔盖由一名军官由于婚恋上的变故,入教修行,通过多年潜修成为一名著名的长老,而怀疑和偏执一直伴随着谢尔盖修道的生涯。众人以为的功成名就反而让谢尔盖迷失了自己,最终在教堂之外谢尔盖找到生活的真谛,和自己的信仰。


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