
纪录片  中国大陆  1947 


出品:中国电影企业国际公司   翁万戈撰稿并担任英语旁白。   本片主要拍摄了Pauline Benton和Lee Ruttle翻译改编的英文版皮影戏《白蛇传》,选取水漫金山和祭塔两个经典片段,由Pauline Benton和助手Arvo Wirta操纵人偶表演并奏乐,末段揭示两人如何布置舞台、在幕后操作和收纳皮影人偶。Pualine女士儿时曾在美国一次东方戏剧展上对皮影人偶一见钟情,后亲赴中国学习河北滦州皮影戏,学成后带着从中国订制的皮影道具归国,成立“红门剧社”在全美各地巡演、推广这一古老的东方民间戏剧,堪称一段中美文化交流的佳话。本片则以电影的形式,把皮影戏带给了更多无缘现场演出的美国观众。   Chinese Shadow Play, 1947, 1 film reels   Producer: Wan-go Weng. Production Co.: China Film Enterprises of America : Pictura Films. Content Summary: Briefly summarizes the history of the shadow play in China, and presents an English adaptation of the fairy tale, The white lady. Uses painted parchment figures behind a translucent screen to produce action. Shows the puppets and other backstage equipment after the performance; original version -comp. print; reproduced on DVD   CHINESE SHADOW PLAY   Color fr. min. Produced by Wango Weng for Chinese Film Enterprises of America, Inc. Distributor: Contemporary Films, Inc.   Legend of "The White Snake Lady," popular since Sung Dynasty   (960-1279 A.D.) is depicted through.the use of puppets and with appropriate music and sound effects. Camera moves backstage to reveal   the expertness by which the puppets are manipulated. Will interest   young and old alike.


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