Despite their differences, New York magazine editor Larry Blake and Ski Lodge, Idaho ski instructor Karin Borg fall in love and get married within hours of meeting. Those differences are Larry being urban to the core and having no desire to learn to ski until he sees Karin, an outdoors girl to the core, her life all about healthy living. In the sober light of day, Karin learns that Larry's vow to lead a healthy outdoor life in Ski Lodge and hating his life and job in New York was just pillow talk: not only has he no intention of giving up that life, but he also demands that she move to New York with him--his life is more important than hers. While this impasse seems on the surface to be the end of their marriage before it even begins, they still love each other. So while Larry vows to make it back to Ski Lodge to be with her as he returns to New York to resume his work, one issue after another postpones his return, so Karin decides to surprise him by flying out to New York and adorning herself in New York finery. But when Karin catches Larry back in the embrace of a former girlfriend, playwright Griselda Vaughn, who knew Larry was married but didn't care, Larry's personal secretary Miss Ellis comes up with the idea that Karin should pose as her morally-depraved, urban-chic twin sister Katherine Borg, to allow Karin to keep an eye on Larry clandestinely while in New York. Complications ensue when Larry believes he has conclusive evidence that Karin and Katherine are the same and plans to expose it.