
喜剧 情色  美国  1979 


這是一個名爲橘和她的三個十幾歲的女兒的信念,希望和慈善上流社會女士的故事。在他的豪華海濱的家有影響力的人蜜桔歡樂時尚派對。然而,它更受歡迎感興趣的現金。它的誘惑是她的女兒,誰試圖描繪了13到15之間的年齡的時候,其實他們不是青少年和老得多。這是 - 一個很好的,辛辣的故事,是一種挑釁,因爲妳按照他們的情色誘惑三早熟少女色情!   This is a story of high society lady named Tangerine and her three teenage daughters Faith, Hope and Charity. Tangerine happy chic party at his luxurious seaside home for influential persons. However, it is more interested in cash than welcome. Its lure is her daughter, who are trying to portray the age between thirteen and fifteen, when in fact they are not teenagers, and much older. This is – a good, spicy tale and a provocation, as you follow the three nymphets in their erotic seduction!


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