
纪录片 短片  苏联  1927 


This documentary depicts the creation of collective farms for Jews in Crimea. It shows them building their houses, digging a well, and farming the land. This film is part of the Yuri Morozov Archive.   Abram Room (1894–1976), director. Room had worked at a Vilna Yiddish theater, as well as with V. I. Meyerhold, before directing the 1925 short Evrei na zemle (Jews on the Land), from a script by Vladimir Mayakovsky and Viktor Shklovsky. His second feature Tret’ia meschchanskaia (translated as Bed and Sofa; 1927), also by Shklovskii, is a classic comedy; Room directed the first Soviet sound feature, Plan velikikh rabot (Plan for Great Works; 1930). Political difficulties in the early 1930s made him increasingly conformist.


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