
剧情 喜剧  加拿大 中国大陆  2012 


影片2012年获温哥华国际电影节龙虎奖,2013年入选鹿特丹国际电影节“光明未来”单元和纽约“新作品/新导演”影展,2013年获得第十届中国独立影像展剧情片竞赛单元最高奖。   There are surprises every year in China’s embattled indie sector, but few as unexpected as this one. Li Luo has take n three chapters o f the Ming Dynasty novel Journey to the West (aka Monkey) and adapted the story of the short-term death of Emperor Li Shimin to the modern China of officials, bureaucrats and gangsters. The Dragon King perverts the course of nature and is punished with execution; the emperor tried to step in to prevent it happening, but he didn’t allow for the power of dreams. Now Li is lying on his deathbed, beset by stray ghosts. Can he be saved? The storytelling explores several layers of "reality," but coalesces into an image of China’s perennial absurdity: a new-old world where peace always breeds wealth. Brilliant, straight-faced political satire. The "ungrammatical" title, by the way, references a Chinese movie of 1927.


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