A “border” is defined by “the line or frontier area separating political divisions or geographic regions; a boundary . ” One people become two countries . In between a mountain , emerge two religions . A river apart , they speak two languages . And sometimes just a stone’s throw away , a war is fought between two sides . Is the border a great divider or is it just an arbitrary line ? A line drawn , and lives are at once shattered or thrown into disarray , and who are the people and power controlling the division ? Living at border towns , differences are magnified as the border town people search for some common ground . Some prospered on their differences , some gambled on their chances , and some make difficult choices , just so , to get on the other side . Through the eyes and journalistic instincts of Michelle Chia , Borders tells the intriguing stories of people in a town caught between two worlds , their fates and life unraveling , as he/she traverses the imaginary line we call - border . 一道墙,一条河,一个篱笆,分画了国家,分离了家庭,也分隔了族群和宗教。 也把你和我,分得清清楚楚。 边境是国家和国家的边界线,也是城市与城市,人与人,悲欢离合的分界点。 《边城故事》以人文和关怀的角度,透过在边城生活的代表性人物,来探索隔着边境的两地子民是如何在政治,经济和甚至在各种民生课题上,时而相互影响,时而相互矛盾;边境的划分,这道无形的墙,究竟分化了多少边城子民的家庭和生活?他们的故事可以从历史哪个点开始阐述?他们的未来又会走向什么方向? 13集的《边城故事》由新加坡知名女艺人《谢韵仪》主持,带领观众探索全世界6个边境,13个边城,例如美国与墨西哥的边境,泰缅边境和中俄边境等等。 我们希望观众收看《边城故事》能对边城的灰色地带课题有所启发,同时也能感受到,两地的边城子民其实可以在求同存异的基础上,和平共处。