
剧情 爱情  苏联  1963 


Things take an interesting turn for Tanya and her mother when her father arrives with his foster son Kolya and new wife. This film is about Kolya and Tanya's bright, pure and bitter first love.   Review (imdb)   Yuly Karasik is ,definitely , not a household name in the West, but in the 60ies he was one of the most promising ( and ,no doubt, talented)film directors in the Soviet Union. " Wild Dog Dingo" is an unpretentious story of first love.What makes it special is the wonderful performance of young actors (G Polskih and V Osobik) and non-professional amateurs (T.Umurzakov as Filka, the only role ever played by that boy) and total absence of Communist ideology, which was so surprising,if not unbelievable, at that time. Galina Polskih (Tanya)was 23 at that time ,and her heroine was only 15!Nevertheless, she played her role very convincingly.Her later years' career had many ups and downs, but the role of Tanya is ,probably,her best. The director is very true to the tiny details of everyday life of the Russians at that time.So,hopefully, those who did not entirely forget their teens'infatuations and first love will enjoy the film , as well as those,who love recent History and are especially interested in life of common people behind the Iron Curtain.Believe me, they also lived and loved , and the ugly totalitarian regime could not kill natural human feelings...


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