二零一四年,藏历马年,佛祖释迦牟尼的本命年。这一年转绕冈仁波齐,功德加倍。冈仁波齐是众多宗教公认的神山,在信仰者心中,那里是世界的中心。电影围绕冈仁波齐,讲述了五组人物的故事:为转山,一位年轻活佛与他的朋友们,开启了生命中第一次长途苦旅……来自北京的记者曾在转山路上遇到危险,在死亡阴影的笼罩中,他却再次走近冈仁波齐……农闲过后,四位藏族妇女终于实现了生命中最大的愿望,她们选择用最艰辛的方式转山…一位当地人,一边做着给前来转山的人当向导的生意,一边也转着自己山…… "2014 is the year of the horse in the Tibetan calendar and Shakyamuni Buddha’s year of his birth sign. According to Tibetan folklore, you may double your merits and virtues if you circumambulate Mount Kailash this year. Kailash is holy mountain commonly recognized in many religions. In the hearts of believers, that is the center of the world.
The film is about the stories of five characters related to Mt Kailash."