鹿特丹: 欧洲之港

纪录片 短片  荷兰  1966 


1966 被迫侨居国外20余年的伊文思被准予回到祖国荷兰,他决定拍摄一部反映港口城市鹿特丹的影片《鹿特丹—欧洲之港》。伊文思在影片中没有象一般纪录片那样表现鹿特丹港的繁忙景象而是以荷兰民间传说“飞翔的荷兰人”为主线,表现了一个具有叛逆性格的荷兰的形象。另外,他在祖国逗留期间荷兰文化大臣拟向伊文思颁发荣誉奖金,伊文思本人拒绝接受。   Instructional film about the (former) biggest harbour in the world, with a hybrid format. Well known Ivens themes are revisited, like The Flying Dutchman in the fiction part of the film, who returns to the modern day Rotterdam, that has recovered very well after the devastating bombardments in the second world war.


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