A very critical short about education systems and teacher. Illustrated with examples and text. Pay attention to this teaching form of film, with criticizes teacher.
Teachers through Change is a suite of four short portraits of teachers whose lives have been profoundly affected by historical events. Each laconic life story is told through a series of old photographs separated by titles. Some are progressive educators victimized by the Nazis; one is a vicious opportunist who benefited from the fascist takeover. Their lives are implicitly contrasted with those of ordinary, bureaucratized teachers today, whom we see in cinema-verite footage taken at a teachers' convention, school meetings, and so on. The interruptions in the biographies figure the larger interruptions history makes in the lives of human beings (this is also a theme of a book of stories, Lebensldufe [Curricula Vitae], Kluge published in 1962). The dispersed narrative focus and the formal discontinuities resist the homogenizing narrative strategies of the culture in- dustry and presage the method of "antagonistic realism" Kluge later formulates in discursive terms.