The show's debut season focused on the stories of men who live secret lifestyles. From a highly successful executive to the street corner hustler, from the happily married father of two, to the college athlete's first love, each episode, featuring a different cast, delved into the different lives and experiences of men living on the "down low".
Each episode features narration from Chadwick Williams (Damian Toofek Raven), an aspiring journalist, as he pursues research while authoring a book about MSM (Men who have sex with men). Storylines usually have a thin plot revolving around some intrigue and the sexual awakening of men. Well photographed, artful, sensuous love scenes with nudity as well as sultry, moody music are characteristic of most episodes.
The series was created by filmmakers Quincy LeNear and Deondray Gossett. Quincy LeNear and Deondray Gossett also serve as the producers and directors of the series.