
剧情 爱情  印度尼西亚  2014 


The day before the wedding takes place, Asmara (Revalina S Temat) gets a harsh reality that her lover, Dewa (Ibnu Jamil) had an affair with her work colleague, Anita (Cynthia Ramlan). Although Dewa begs to hold the marriage, Asthma has already broken heart. Moreover, the affair makes Anita pregnant.   Asma receives a job offer in Beijing, which is obtained through the help Sekar (Laudya Cynthia Bella) and her husband Ridwan (Deddy Mahendra Desta). In Beijing Asma meets Zhongwen (Morgan Oey), a handsome man who introduces the love legend of Ashima, the beautiful daughter of Yunan.   The kindness and attention from Zhongwen make Asma slowly opens her heart. Although she is giddy when Dewa catches up to Beijing. Unfortunately, before the relationship continues, Asma is affected by APS, a syndrome that makes her life in danger and could see death anytime.


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