24 hours on Craigslist

纪录片  美国  2005 


A camera crew sets out to document a day in the life of one of the Web's most popular message boards in this eclectic documentary. 24 Hours on Craigslist seeks to dissect the enduring appeal of craigslist.org, a simple, text-based, free-of-charge posting service that internet surfers use to sell goods, find soulmates, and recruit employees/colleagues/collaborators. From 121 postings made on August 4, 2003, filmmaker Michael Ferris Gibson charted random San Francisco denizens ranging from the ordinary to the outrageous: Apartment-dwellers seeking roommates; a drag perfomer searching for musicians; a would-be mom looking for the right sperm donor; hedonists looking for sex partners; an engaged couple seeking a rabbi to perform their wedding ceremony.   摄制组开始记录这部折衷纪录片中网络上最受欢迎的留言板之一的生活中的一天。Craigslist上的24小时试图剖析craigslist.org的持久吸引力,这是一种简单的,基于文本的免费发布服务,互联网用户可以用它来销售商品,找到灵魂伴侣,并招募员工/同事/合作者。从2003年8月4日发布的121篇帖子中,电影制作人迈克尔·费里斯·吉布森(Michael Ferris Gibson)随机描绘了旧金山居民,从平凡到离谱:公寓居民寻求室友; 寻找音乐家的拖累者; 一个准妈妈正在寻找合适的精子供体; 享乐主义者寻找性伴侣; 一对订婚的夫妇寻求拉比参加他们的婚礼。


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