
短片 音乐  日本  2016 


木造平屋一軒家。この小さな家のなかには人間であるさと子(歌手)の他に四人の踊り子が住みついている。さと子の音楽に浸り、心地の良い日々を過ご す踊り子たち。ところがある日ふとしたことをきっかけに、踊り子は発見してしまう。家の中にはもうひとり、少女がいたのだ・・・※ほったまるとは、「ほ うっておくとたまるもの」の略。髪の毛や爪、足の裏の皮など、身体から出る落としもの。あるいは日々の生活で蓄積される様々なにおい。   There is a wooden one-story house. In this tiny house, four dancer nymphs are living besides Satoko(Singer), a human being. They are absorbed in Satoko’s music and having a comfortable life. But one day, dancer nymphs found by chance that another little girl was living in the house...   “Hottamaru” is a coined word that is made of two Japanese words “Hotteoku”(leaving something as it is) and “Tamaru”(accumulating). It means things that accumulate if we leave something as it is. Fallen things from human body such as hair, nails, skins of the sole of their feet. Or various smells that accumulate in everyday life.


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