
纪录片  加拿大 中国大陆  2016 


为了更好的理解人生,并且找寻自身生活的意义,导演及摄影师王一男在2011年开始了一段永生难忘的寻访之旅。   六个月的时间,他驱车4万公里,走遍加拿大,寻找100名受访者,询问他们同一组关于人生的问题。受访人的年龄从一岁到一百岁,一个年龄一人,一百名受访者出生于1912年到2011年的每一年里,整整横跨一个世纪。   在旅途结束时,变成了一百份关于生命,关于梦想,关于成功与幸福的真实的视频记录。他会从这一百名陌生人身上听到的关于人生不同阶段的回答中受到启发从而找到属于自己的答案吗?   Recorded by Chinese-born Canadian documentarian Wang Yinan during a ten-month odyssey across his adoptive nation, Being Towards Death i s a singularly Canadian rhapsody that weaves together the stark voices of an otherwise unconnected - and certainly unsung - set of Canadians, whose ages range from one to 100. Confronted with a standard battery of frank questions about life, and shot statically against the backdrop in their homes or workplaces, this film's mundane stars open up to a stranger about their everyday struggles with work, love, loss and in so doing offer fascinating insights into what it means to live.   【参展获奖】   入围2017温哥华金熊猫国际电影节


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