叁叁是一位居住在上海的苗族女孩,热爱写诗、绘画等各种艺术形式。她长期患有抑郁症,在疫情的末期,她萌生了给自己举办葬礼的念头。然而,就在她开始整理自己的遗物时,奶奶却突然离世。在回到贵州凯里的老家参加奶奶葬礼,并筹备自己葬礼的过程中,叁叁陷入了抑郁症复发,原生家庭创伤重现 ,以及现实与梦想两难全的困境。
San, a young Miao woman residing in Shanghai, immerses herself deeply in poetry, painting, and various forms of art. She has wrestled with depression for an extended period. As the post-pandemic era approached, San briefly entertained a provocative idea: the concept of orchestrating her own funeral. However, just as she started sorting through her belongings, her grandmother passed away unexpectedly. Upon returning to her hometown in Kaili, Guizhou, to attend her grandmother's funeral and make arrangements for her own, San found herself in a dilemma of relapsed depression, resurfacing family traumas, and the conflict between reality and dreams.