Big head’s parents have divorced for a long time. Since then, he has been living with his mother and stepfather in harmony. His father is a stunt man in the film industry and has been coping his living with an unstable income. Big Head always finds it uneasy to see his father in messy situations and financial insecurity. Having to leave for Australia for his study very soon, he tries very hard and finally succeeds in getting a job for his father as a security guard. But all ends up in frustration: his father is totally uninterested in the job and almost gets fired. Father and son start blaming each other until each sees his own childishness and inadequacies.
吴隽-- 毕业于香港演艺学院-电影电视学院, 电影电视艺术学士课程, 主修导演 (2011/12)。《别让球赛结束》为其本科毕业作品。《莉莉》为本科二年级作品。
NG Chun graduated at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts--School of Film & Television. Bachelor of Fine Arts – Degree in Film & TV, major in Directing (2011/12).
I Hope This Match Never Ends (short fiction - 2012) - BFA graduation project.
Lily (short fiction – 2011) – BFA2 project.