유혹의 강

情色  韩国  1991 


Hae-in is kidnapped by Dong-yub who had a crush on her when she lived in their hometown. Her blissful life in Seoul with Korean-American Johan is ruined. Dong-yub locks her in a villa and begs her acknowledge that they once had a relationship back hometown but Hae-in pines away after Johan and tries to escape repeatedly. Johan, at first, tries to find Hae-in but soon gives up and begins to see other women. Dong-yub finds out and ensnares one of Johan's women and meets him. But Johan sarcastically bids happiness of Dong-yub and Hae-in, Hae-in, unaware of the truth, thinks of ways to escape the villa. Dong-yub is tormented by Hae-in and finally lets her go. She returns to Johan only to find out the truth. Finally realizing that Dong-yub was sincere, she goes back to him but finds that he has killed himself from heartbreak.


Copyright © 2008-2018
