
纪录片 传记  中国大陆  2017 


故事梗概:字幕翻译对于我来讲意味着什么?大学四年、工作两年的青春与精力投身其中。当后来不再翻译字幕的时候,我想以“纪录映像”的方式去回溯/记得这段往事。   字幕对公:我希望可以借这么一部片展示在一个国情特殊的国家里的影迷个体是怎样和电影产生联系,进而影响到更多的个体。本片也是切开一个口子,一窥中国的影迷文化史里的冰山一角。   纪录对私:我希望可以重新体验一次翻译字幕的过程,抛掉过往的抱负与包袱,和那个翻译字幕的“我”告别,迈向制作独立纪录片的自我,从而寻找更多通达电影的可能性。   Synopsis: What does subtitle translation mean in my eyes? I have devoted my youth and effort of 4 years of campus life and 2 years of work life. When I have given up translating subtitle, I want to look back to and remember such a bygone by documentary.   Subtitle is equal to public: By this documentary I want to show how a cinephile makes a link with film and makes effect to more cinephile in such a special situation in China. This documentary also displays a tip of the iceberg of the cinephile cultural history in China.   Subtitle is equal to privacy: I hope to experience the progress of subtitle translation again, in order to cast my ambition and burden in the old days. I want to say goodbye to that ego with subtitle translation and move forwards to that ego with indie-documentary direction. I want to search more possibilities to the films.


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