
短片  葡萄牙  2019 


《Fordlandia Malaise》是一部关于福德兰地的记忆和现况的电影。福德兰地是亨利·福特1928年在亚马逊雨林创建的公司城。他的目标是打破英国的橡胶垄断,在巴西生产这种材料,用于他在美国的汽车生产。今天,建筑遗迹证明了这场持续不到十年的新殖民主义努力的失败。   如今,Fordlandia是一个悬浮在时间之间、20世纪到21世纪之间、乌托邦和反乌托邦之间、能见度和隐身性之间的空间:钢、玻璃和砖石建筑仍在使用,而土著生活的痕迹在地面上没有留下痕迹。   虽然福特兰地因短暂的福特时代而闻名,但人们不能忘记过去或之后的历史。为声称有权写自己的故事并拒绝“鬼城”标签的居民发声,福德兰迪亚的病态融合了档案图像、无人机画面、故事和叙述、神话和歌曲。   Fordlandia Malaise is a film about the memory and the present of Fordlandia, the company town founded by Henry Ford in the Amazon rain forest in 1928. His aim was to break the British rubber monopoly and produce this material in Brazil for his car production in the United States. Today, the remains of construction testify to the scale of the failure of this neocolonialist endeavor that lasted less than a decade.   Nowadays, Fordlandia is a space suspended between times, between the 20th and 21st centuries, between utopia and dystopia, between visibility and invisibility: architectural buildings of steel, glass, and masonry still remain in use while traces of indigenous life left no marks on the ground.   Although Fordlandia is well-known due to the brief Fordian period, one must not forget the history either before or after. Giving voice to the inhabitants who claim the right to write their own story and reject the ghost town label, Fordlandia Malaise blends together archival imagery, drone footage, tales and narratives, myths and songs.


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