
纪录片  以色列  2012 


我的父亲今年57岁,他的女儿,我唯一的姐姐,娜玛,今年30岁。他们很爱对方,但却已经快15年没有见面了。最初是因为缺少一些沟通,随着时间的流逝他们之间的隔阂越来越大,最终导致了老死不相往来的尴尬局面。为了打破这种尴尬,我尝试着让父亲和姐姐重归于好,简单来说,我策划了一场久违的家庭盛会:用“猎宝游戏”来庆祝娜玛即将到来的生日。这部纪录片讲述的就是这次聚会上发生的事情。   当我把镜头转向整个故事的配角时,我们一家人的潜在问题也渐渐显露出来。母亲对整件事情的漠不关心,奶奶对父亲的过于偏袒,姐姐的丈夫对自己所处境地的失落与无奈。   这部影片展示了诸多问题:为人父母的责任,隐藏的婚姻危机,以及亲情之间交流的种种障碍。观众可以在故事发展的不同阶段看到主角的变化,从而暴露出矛盾背后的本质:所有人都是对的。通过强有力的故事线和独特的电影语言,影片描述了一个人重拾童年的历程。   全片大量运用动画和长镜头手法描写主人公的回忆,雄心壮志以及各种幻想,使贯穿片中的娱乐和讽刺意味得到升华,直至精彩的结尾。   Despite loving each other dearly, Dad (57) and Naama (30), my only sister, didn't meet for the last 15 years. Starting with a small 'lack of communication' the gap widen over the years leading to complete disconnection. Stuck in the middle, 'Treasure hunt' tells the story of my attempt to get these two unique characters back together. This optimistic mission boils down to recreating one special event: Preparing a 'Treasure hunt' game for Naama's upcoming birthday - a long forgotten family tradition.   While exposing the supporting characters, our family reviles its dark and unspoken territories: Mom's refusal to take part in the conflict, Grandma's (Dad's mother) over protectiveness of her son and Naama's fresh husband's frustration, having to deal with his wife's broken family.   Treasure hunt confronts issues such as parents responsibility, divorce implications and the limits of negotiation processes. It allows the viewer to identify with a different protagonist at each stage of the story, and so exposes the essence of every real conflict - the point when everybody's right. Using a strong story-line and a unique cinematic language 'Treasure hunt' conveys a personal voyage trying to revive one's lost childhood. Animation, combined with the live footage throughout the film, reflects on past events, ambitions and fantasies, enhancing the film's amused and ironic tone all the way to its surprising ending.      学生竞赛单元,二等奖,2012以色列特拉维夫国际纪录片电影节 / Second Award, Student Category, Doc Aviv Int’l Documentary Film Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2012.      那丹•潘斯出生成长于以色列境内一个名叫哈德拉的小城。他曾作为F16飞行员在以色列空军服役10年,在那之后,他决定改变自己的人生轨迹,褪去军衣转而投身喜爱的电影事业。   随后,他在耶路撒冷比扎莱尔艺术与设计学院研修了影视制作与动画制作两门专业,并以优异的成绩毕业。影视与动画的结合使得那丹的镜头语言强烈而独特。   那丹第一部动画短片《半熟》(2007)完成于他在比扎莱尔艺术与设计学院的第二年,获得了北京电影学院国际大学影视作品展亚洲最佳学生动画短片奖,并先后入选如日本广岛国际动画节、德国斯图加特动画电影节等众多颇具代表性的动画电影节。   《寻找天伦》是那丹首部执导的纪录片,同时也是他在冷比扎莱尔艺术与设计学院的毕业作品。   Nadan Pines was born and raised in a small town in Israel called Hadera. After a 10 years carrier as an f-16 navigator in the Israeli air force, he decided to change course in life - taking off the uniforms and dedicating it to his love to the cinema.   Recently graduated with excellence from the Bezalel academy of art & design in Jerusalem, Nadan majored in video production and animation combining the two to form a strong, unique visual language.   Nadan's first animation short 'Half Baked' (2007), produced on his second year at Bezalel, won the best Asian student animation short at the Beijing Student Film Festival and participated in numerous leading animation festivals around the world among them are the Hiroshima animation festival stars of student program and the Trickfilm Stuttgart animation festival.   'Treasure hunt' is Nadan first documentary film which was produced as a graduation project for Bezalel.


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