
纪录片  中国大陆  2015 


2015/Color/HD 5D3/Chinese English/hakka/25mins   监制:左靖   制片:任和昕 / 张健   拍摄:鬼叔中   剪辑:甯元乖   音乐:老街乐队   出品:米展 / 贵州地扪生态博物馆   ◎影片简介   旧时祭社以每年春秋二次,春在二月祈祷丰收,称春祈。春祈祭社,即闽西俗称的“福主”或“福主公王”,福主公王集中分布于村庄水口、隘口、溪流两边,主一境福祉。本片记录的是甲午年春二月宁化县济村乡武层村的春社,虽然田地凋零、少壮离家,仍有尊米重稻的传奇故事在乡间流传;虽然春雨缠绵、观者寥寥,仍有耄耋老者在虔诚祭社,祈祷全村风调雨顺、禾谷丰熟、人口清吉、六畜兴旺。   In traditional China, rural people usually pray for harvest in spring and offer thanks in fall, the rite in spring performed in the second month of the lunar calendar. In western Fujian Hakka area, people worship Fuzhu (also named the lord of Fuzhu, the god of land) in the day of spring pray day (Sheri). This film records a Sheri in Wucheng village in the year of horse (2014), in Ninghua County,Fujian. Although young people all went to big cities away form home for work, although much land was left uncultivated, old people still perform the rite every year for the harvest and peace of the whole village.   ◎参加展映   2016 首届足荣村方言电影节“爱故乡特殊贡献奖”(广东雷州)   2016 广西民族志影展(南宁)   2017 第三届台湾当代叙事影展(台北)   2018 第四届合肥双年展(录像)(合肥)   2018 联合国粮农组织 “零饥饿”艺术展(录像装置)(北京)   2019 清明计划Ⅱ白灼“方言角”第一期放映(厦门白灼空间)   2019 岛语·NEW SHOW 影像放映沙龙第四场(平潭)   2020 英国纽卡斯特大学收藏   2022 第七届集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季(集美)


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