In a snowy landscape, the camera pulls back slowly to reveal Yoko Ono and John Lennon in the square of a little rustic town; it continues retreating and simultaneously rising into the sky,mounted on a balloon that remains invisible throughout. Dogs bark, there are voices. The surroundings of the town come into view, then a panorama of the entire region; suddenly, blankness for five minutes -- an unbearably long period in the cinema. When all hope is gone, the screen bursts into a pink explosion of sky, sun, and cloud tops; the camera had risen (in real, not screen time) through an enormous cloud band, and had passed, by means of minimal art, from separateness to oneness with theworld, "rising into heaven" in a beautifully romantic, purely visual metaphor of spiritual ascension.
---- Amos Vogel “Film as asubversive art”