Jean-Luc Godard, who used radical film aesthetics, has been one of the most influential film directors far beyond the 1960s. As co-foun der of the Nouvelle Vague, he rebelled against the (un)written laws of cinema and created an unmistakeable, experimental film language. Godard himself wrote the screenplay for this documentary in the CINEMAsuisse series about Swiss cinema, which is produced by the Swiss Radio and Television (SRF).
This is not a film “on” Jean-Luc Godard. The Swiss television station asked me to make a film “on” him, but I was embarrassed. I’m with Jean-Luc, we work together, so I didn’t want to make an objective film about him. everything is always “on”, documentaries “on” Godard, books “on” Godard, etc, but I’m not “on” him I’m simply “with”. So I went to him and told him and asked him and he suggested we do something together. (Fabrice Aragno)