31:36, 1984, color, sound
In this videotape, Nam June Paik pays tribute to a number of pop stars in his pan-cultural pantheon. He re-enacts certain Fluxus musical performances of the 1960s and 70s including those with the destruction of a piano and the concert with Charlotte Moorman on the cello.
A synthesised Sakamoto portrait, an interview with Charlotte Moorman, interviews with John Cage, Julien Back and Judith Malina for the Living Theatre by Sakamoto, a Korean musical piece by Sun Ock Lee, several piano performances by Joseph Beuys, a Laurie Anderson video, a song from Merce By Merce, a poem sung by Allen Ginsberg, John Cage's performance in Random Composition in Manhattan By Yi-King – all of this forms the musical world of this artist who studied music, wrote a doctoral thesis on Arnold Schoenberg and worked at the Studio Für Electronic Music in Cologne where Karlheinz Stockhausen conducted workshops.