It is the year after World War 3 and the film follows the odyssey of a girl and her mother as they explore a devastated Brazil. Historically there has always been a strong relationship between the Berlin Film Festival and Brazilian filmmakers, especially during the era of the cinema novo. "Of all the European festivals, Berlin has always been the most curious about our filmmaking," says director Walter Lima Jr, who won a Silver Bear in 1969 for his film Brasil Ano 2000. "Berlin has been a very important introduction to Brazilian cinema, particularly the cinema novo, and in a certain way 'colonised' not only the German critics but also those from Italy and France."
Walter Lima Jr. (1938) began his career in the mid 1960s and belonged to the Brazilian Cinema Novo generation, to which he is still faithful. His film Brasil Ano 2000 (1969) was nominated for a Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival. Lima’s film tries to unify the powerful musical aspirations of the heroes with social realities but the dramatic development begins only in the second part of the film after a somewhat lengthy beginning and middle.