
纪录片 音乐  美国 英国  2006 


英格蘭西南方的平原孕育了世界上規模最大的音樂祭。自1970年起,已成為與伍茲塔克一般,深刻影響搖滾樂的嬉皮神話。全片混合了歷史影像、現場訪談與表演實況,不但讓人體驗Radiohead、Pulp、Coldplay等樂團的魅力,更呈現了活動本身與裸體解放、嗑藥文化、青年暴動之間的關係。   As the King of all music festivals takes a break in 2006, Temple's documentary is the closest thing you can get to the Glastonbury experience this year. It charts the history of the event, but is formed in a way that recreates the feeling of three days of fun rather than simply following chronology.   Two hours and twenty minutes might seem a long time for a documentary, but as you're kept smiling most of the way through, it's not in the least overbearing. We are treated to a number of musical highlights, but just as entertaining is meeting some of the weird and wonderful people that make the festival so unique. Particularly memorable are the three-man family team who run the tanker that sucks the, aherm, human waste out of the portaloos – such are the moronic faces of the two children, they really could be characters from Little Britain!


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