
未知 中国大陆  2007 


故事梗概:   Synopsis   一位曾经因要离婚还自杀过的女人,在离婚后,留在了美国,靠自己的努力,建立起自己的事业和新的家庭。这就是我的姐姐。   在高兴接来自己十几岁的女儿之后,发现女儿已经不再是小时候的她,并在平时生活和事情上处处和她做对。我试图通过弟弟、小舅这两个身份经常在她们之间撮合、传话,然而过程产生了悖谬……本来就因工作而烦心的姐姐,这下被彻底击垮了。   With her own strength, a lady once suicided for her broken marriage rebuilt her new family and new career in the United States after the divorce and this woman is my sister.   After bringing her own teenage daughter from China to the United States, she found that it has been awfully hard for these long-parted females to live again under the same roof peacefully. As the dual part of a brother and a uncle, I decided to interfere in the family issue and tried to get them crossed each other. Unfortunately, Things has turned out to be worse and worse and my sister , highly stressed by her job, was totally devastated by this family conflict……   作者阐述:   Author’s Words   本人试图抛弃电影的神圣和假设,为求达到记录与生活的自然合理。作者虽无意做正义、非正义的宣传工具,但本人介入拍摄现场,实为表现无区隔空间、时间对人的必然关系。我想造成灾难的应该不是探究事物本身,而是那些驱使寻找答案的各种武力判断。   One of my key objectives as a filmmaker is to renounce the piousness and equivocation of cinema in order to find a natural and rational approach to documentary and life. I have no intention of serving as a propaganda tool for justice or injustice, but engage in the act of filming in order to truly reflect spaces in time, and the necessary relationship between people and time. I believe calamity is brought not by exploration of things themselves, but rather by forceful judgments arising from the impulse to find answers.


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