
纪录片  中国香港  1995 


录影力量video power 1989年成立,集结资源及经验,推广民间纪录片的创作,摸索小众传媒在香港的可能性。   95年,参予长达整整一年反清拆天台屋的抗争,按不同阶段及主题,剪辑出多部作品。其中纪录事件前半期至金轮大厦天台屋居民被赶出家园之<大祸临头>,获96年香港独立短片大奖。   回头看,我们觉得<大祸临头>可算是video power头六年探索的一个小结,也适合新朋友的一个'入门'作品。 (http://www.xici.net/d7306490.htm)   導演的話 : 對大眾傳媒的批判, 我和錄影力量的朋友都明白 : 重點不在邊個真 D, 而是究竟用乜論述角度. 一九九五年五月七日金輪大廈天台居民撤離家園. 這是事實. 問題是在電視新聞片的剪輯調度之間, 主流論述盡在堆砌"搞事"兩個字. 六個月的探訪, 拍攝, 金輪天台居民教懂我用其他角度去理解. 他們嘗試反抗既定的權力關係, 尋回自己的尊嚴.   獲奬:   一九九五年第一屆香港獨立短片及錄像比賽大獎.   一九九五年第一屆香港獨立短片及錄像比賽紀錄組金獎.   In 1994, the Hong Kong government suddenly launched an initiative to tear down "rooftop dwellings", even though it had tacitly accepted their existence for many years. These houses had electricity and water, and the bills to pay for it too. They are registered , bought and sold freely on the market. The Housing Authority regarded them as private property and denied owners the opportunity to apply for public housing. Now the government has ordered these 40,000 dwellings to be removed, without offering fair resettlement terms for residents who had moved in after 1982. Video Power recorded the negotiations before some of these houses were torn down in Mongkok.      Director's Note : We at Video Power know it well: the critique on mass media should be centred not on who is more real, but no who is talking from which angle. On May 7, 1995, rooftop residents of King Land Apartments were forced to abandon their homes. This is a fact. The problem is, somewhere along, when the news footage was edited, the dominant opinion on the incident turned itself into an accusation of "aggressive behaviour". This eix months of visiting and shooting rooftop residents of King Land Apartments has taught me to look at the incident form their point of view. They gave up being "nice and passive". In trying to challenge the established power relationship, they hope to regain their dignity.      Grand Prize, The 1st HK Independent Short Film & Video Awards (1995).   Gold Award in Documentary Category, The 1st Hk Independent Short Film & Video Awards (1995).


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