
喜剧 恐怖  西班牙  1965 


尽管影片的三位主演都是西班牙影坛赫赫有名的人物,但本片却并不是完全靠明星而没有好故事的烂片,墨西哥人曾经拍过不少比较“烂”的VAMPIRE片,但西班牙人可不是,他们的影片总有一个有趣的好故事。本片不仅对白幽默,表演也很搞怪,说是恐怖片其实一点也不可怕,倒是里面的几个角色个个都很可爱。Gracita Morales是我个人最喜欢的西班牙喜剧女星,她在《带猫的女孩》中的精彩表演一直让我印象很深,如今在这部《两个人的戏血鬼》中又能听到她那独一无二的“童音”了。   Excellent Spanish Vampires' Parody! The idea of a Spanish 'guest worker' couple (Morales and Lopez Vasquez) being vampirized by their aristocratic German employers could have yielded an interesting horror-comedy, but in this film script and direction opt for a broad farce rather than corrosive satire.   The Spanish servants eventually escape Baron von Rosenthal and his bloodsucking family and return to their native country. On its release, the picture already looked about ten years out of date and in spite of the awkward references to Hammer movies, it seems to belong more to the 50's era of television sitcom, a format in which the popular Spanish comedy duo felt more at home. Lopez - Vasquez was one of Spain's most prolific comic actors. Lazaga was a veteran director of the many commercial Spanish cult-movies until the 70s.


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