这部快节奏的纪录片跟随加拿大独立新闻工作者杰斯·罗森菲尔德穿梭于战火纷飞的中东,那里已经成为他工作的焦点。他向我们展示了当地棘手的地缘政治现实,并探讨了互联网时代的新闻实践将如何发生变化。 从埃及,路经以色列、巴勒斯坦和埃及,到土耳其和伊拉克,导演思考在新时代中新闻工作者的改变和意义。伴随杰斯寻找真相的过程,战地记者这部影片强调了独立新闻的重要性——在这样一个经常依赖于新闻发行的媒体环境下不害怕探索故事内核的记者。
"Canadian freelance reporter Jesse Rosenfeld has made the Middle East the focus of his work, and to make a living he has to keep up with constantly moving news targets. Freelancer on the Front Lines follows his journey across the region, showing us thorny geopolitical realities shaped by the events transforming the Middle East and exploring how journalism practices have changed in the age of the Internet.
Accompanying Jesse in his quest for truth, Freelancer on the Front Lines highlights the importance of independent news—journalists who aren't afraid to get to the heart of a story in a media landscape that too often relies on press releases and spin."