Gracie, a young Tamil woman living near Madras, has been having behavioural disorders since the day she was married. The memory of her French friend Catherine, who died in unresolved circumstances, seems to be haunting her. Catherine's grieving ex-husband, Joseph, decides to go to India to meet Gracie and possibly, during his journey, fix his mistakes - because Joseph has a lot to be forgiven for...
格雷西(Janagi饰演),是一个年轻的泰米尔女子,住在马德拉斯附近,自她结婚起便一直有行为障碍。而关于她的法国朋友凯瑟琳(Charlotte饰演)死于疑案的记忆,似乎也一直在困扰她。凯瑟琳的悲伤的前夫约瑟夫(Yvan饰演),决定去印度见见格雷西,并希望尽可能的在他的旅途中,修正自己的错误 - 因为约瑟夫有很多需要被宽恕的.....