這部影片是集合了六位美國靈媒/傳訊者的紀錄片,請他們以通靈的方式討論吸引力法則、神、生死、物質生命、沒有受害者、靈魂、指導靈、聖人與罪人、希特勒、光明與黑暗、喜悅過生活、愛自己、新意識的議題。影片裡頭所呈現的訊息與靈媒或許經過精心挑選,有著高度的整合觀點,呈現出一幅美麗 的靈性地圖。無論是新時代入門者,或是已通箇中三眛者,都能在這部影片中獲得更進一步的領悟與瞭解。
A feature-length documentary exploring, for the very first time and in a very down-to-earth fashion, the phenomenon of channeling. Popu larized by the late Edgar Cayce, this ancient and mysterious practice appears to enable humans to "tune in" to higher frequencies of consciousness and deliver messages from intelligent sources existing outside space and time. The film focuses on 6 subjects across the United States.
- Written by Anonymous