
剧情  中国香港  2006 


粵劇老倌紀叔行將告別舞台,一片苦心希望女兒曉嵐繼承衣缽查篤撐,怎料女兒年紀輕輕卻已偷嚐禁果珠胎暗結,令兩父女頓時陷入無比矛盾之中。小孫女的出生,並未為雪上加霜的父女關係解凍。曉嵐深知父親熱愛舞台,卻因照顧新生命而只能當甜孫外公。父親一次練習受傷,曉嵐自告奮勇踏上台板,代父飛躍舞台完成夢想。虎度門遇上早熟,難以言喻的父女情,盡付唱造唸打中。   Cantonese opera actor Gei is about to retire and hopes that his daughter Hiu-lam can continue his career. Hiu-lam, however, abandons her Cantonese opera study and becomes a single mother at a young age. Gei and Hiu-lam find themselves in estrangement even after Little Suen, Hiu-lam's daughter, is born. Hiu-lam understands that it is her father's dream to go back to the stage, but she can only rely on him to take care of her daughter. Chance has come when Gei is invited to perform on stage again, but when he gets injured during practice, Hiu-lam decides to act in her father's place.


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