
短片  西德  1968 


"Actually, Schauplätze didn’t get lost completely. Two shot were left, and they’re now the first two shots in Same Player Shoots Again. In a way, they’re a prelude to it – or rather its antecedents. They come before the credit title. And the rest of the film, after the title, is just one three-minute shot that’s repeated five times. It was shot in black-and-white and its repeated five times, but always in a slightly different color. I mean its not really colored, just a little bit blue and a little bit red and a little bit green along the street."   "At first, you only see his feet. He’s wearing a long coat, and later you can see up to his waist. He has a machine-gun in one hand and he begins walking fast, then he slowly begins to run and he stumbles more and more, as if he were hurt or wounded. He doesn’t actually fall. You just see him running. You see the coat and the machine-gun and his feet. And in the end, the film starts again from the beginning. Its somewhat different from those loop films that were in vogue at the time – those were without an end and you could watch them indefinitely. Whereas in Sam Player Shoots Again, there was a development and there was a new beginning each time."   "For me, it had a lot to do with pinball machines – I mean a game where you have five balls (you used to have five balls, now you only get three). At the time, you had five balls and five games, and that’s a little bit the structure of Same Player Shoots Again. Visually, its as if you had five balls. In fact, that was the idea, to edit it this way. It had some music, too, music I found on an old 78 record that was called Mood Music ad it sounded like music from an unknown Hitchcock film. I used two small pieces of it – one of 10, and one of 15 seconds, one in the beginning of the shot and one at the end – that is to say – the two pieces of music were repeated as well."


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