
剧情 爱情 同性  泰国  2022 


两个年轻男孩的故事,他们发自内心地承诺永远在一起,但当他们不得不分开却没有机会说再见时,这个承诺被打破了。但奇迹发生了,同一颗心回到了它的主人身边。这一次,爱是源于内心的记忆,还是源于命运。   一个同心协力的故事即将开始……爱、牺牲、宽恕、微笑和泪水将满足每一颗心。   The sto ry of two young boys who promised from their hearts to be together forever, but the promise was broken when they had to be apart without a chance to say good bye. But miracle happens, the same heart returned to its owner. This time, will love arise from memory of heart or from this destiny.   A story of one heart that bring them all together is about to begin… Love, sacrifice, forgiveness, smiles, and tears that will fulfill every heart.


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