A drama-thriller that tells the story of a deportee who never existed. It spins the tale of the life of a man who, for years, was able to keep telling a lie in the public eye, and even to his own family. It was a lie that’s difficult to make up: that he had been a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp.
Indeed, Enric Marco Batlle (1921-2020) was a Spanish trade unionist who served as secretary-general of the National Confederation of Labor (CNT) and as the president of the Amical de Mauthausen association in Spain. During his time at the head of this association, he gave a large number of talks, chiefly in educational institutions, about his alleged life as a survivor of the Nazis, replete with anecdotes and tiny details; however, in 2005, he courted international infamy after a report by historian and researcher Benito Bermejo (who specialises in studying Spaniards who were deported to concentration camps) discovered that he had falsified information in his biography so as to appear as a survivor of the Nazi extermination camp in Flossenbürg. Despite this, he never apologised for the hoax.