
动画 短片  芬兰  2019 


导演:Hanna Marjo Västinsalo


Johan Knut Harju (1910-1976) was a self-taught writer and historian, but also a homeless alcoholic. Harju had a unique talent to document his and his peers’ lives with a personal voice that invites the person in and see the world from his point of view. Harju collected his stories for you, a future person, so that the people living under the bridges would not be forgotten. The virtual reality experience combines the Helsinki City Museum photo archives, recordings of Harju’s voice, 360 degrees footage inside a historical tram with animation that is inspired by Harju’s drawing style, into an experience that allows the audience to have a moment with Harju in 1960’s Helsinki.   DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT   What happens to the stories of people living in the shadows of history? Harju preserved a different perspective to the history of my own hometown. This virtual reality experience gives Harju a space to tell his story and lets the audience have a moment inside his memories. We are given access to a subjective viewpoint, which hopes to question what is considered worthy of historical annals.


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