Putri has to return from Australia because her family in Meloyo Kidul village, Surakarta, is in big trouble. Granny Susana, Putri's mother, forces Putri to come home with her son, who is believed to be a solution to the problem. The problem that threatened the entire family's safety started when Granny Susana took part in the pesugihan (to be rich) ritual and made a pact with the demon Jaran Penoleh.
Putri 必须从澳大利亚返回,因为她在梭罗 Meloyo Kidul 村的家人遇到了大麻烦。普特里的母亲苏珊娜奶奶强迫普特里带着儿子回家,人们认为儿子可以解决问题。威胁全家人安全的问题始于苏珊娜奶奶参加pesugihan(致富)仪式并与恶魔贾兰·佩诺莱(Jaran Penoleh)签订契约时。