Cook Nigel Slater shows how, with a bit of culinary creativity, he turns the contents of his weekly shop into seven delicious dishes – one for each day of the week, in his brand-new programme Nigel Slater's Dish of the Day. In this series, Nigel Slater uses his culinary creativity to create great meals by showing us how to make the very best of those ingredients in the cupboard, fridge or freezer. He also champions the ‘local shop’ and in each episode he visits a different small store to get insights from the people who know their ingredients best: the shopkeepers.
英國著名飲食節目主持人Nigel Slater又有新搞作,推出全新節目《下廚易 - 是日推介》,教大家發揮烹飪創意,將雪櫃裡的平凡食材煮出七款佳餚,保證大家由星期一至星期日,每晚均可品嚐嶄新菜式。Nigel精選的「是日推介」,包括︰無花果煎餅(fig flapjacks)、山羊奶酪(goats’ cheese frittata)、鱈魚雜燴(haddock chowder)、瑞典式碎肉羊排(crumbed lamb steak with buttered swede mash)……看似複雜,但其實簡單易煮,家庭觀眾也可以一試做大廚的滋味。