Bleared Eyes of Blue Glass

短片  韩国  2023 


导演:Park Kyujae


这个实验短片标题中的“蓝色玻璃模糊的眼睛”扩展自弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫小说《海浪》中的一个文学形象,该小说被认为是20世纪英国作家最具实验性的文学作品之一,年轻的电影制片人从中汲取灵感,借用片段和视觉来解释他对电影的理解。这部电影与水——确切地说——和光玩耍,然而以非常黑白的形式呈现,偶尔点缀着颜色的闪光,进行了一场在夜晚的旅程,一个人的影子逐渐变得实质化。   The “bleared eyes of blue glass” in the title of this experimental short expand on a verbal image from Virginia Woolf’s novel The Waves, considered the most experimental among the 20th-century British writer’s literary works, from which the young filmmaker took inspiration for his film, borrowing passages and visions to explain his own understanding of what cinema is. A film that plays with water – precisely – and light, and yetin a very dark b&w lit up by rare flashes of colour, making a journey in the night in which the shadow of a man gradually acquires substance. Bleared Eyes of Blue Glass was shot in a house, forest, and stream in Incheon, close to the South-Korean capital, where the filmmaker currently lives.   源自:


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