在Karin Ekberg的纪录片处女作中,她把镜头对准了父母。一年过去,一切都发生了变化。
我们第一次见面,是在他们曾经的家中。房间里只剩下了零零散散的一些家具,所有的东西都得分掉,他们再也不会住在这里了。母亲已经搬走了她的东西,最后剩下的,父亲也没有精力全部带走。“你要不要这些东西?你都没喜欢过!” 气氛令人紧张不安。父亲把他的东西搬上车,驻足片刻,试图重拾过去的美好。
Karin Ekberg1979年出生在斯德哥尔摩,2003年获得荷兰艺术学院摄影学士学位。此后又在斯德哥尔摩大学媒体学院获得新闻专业的硕士学位。毕业后她一直在媒体行业从事记者、项目经理及新闻传播相关的工作。
They have been married for 38 years. Over the past 15 years they have been sleeping in separate bedrooms. Now, one of them wants a divorce. The villa is already on sale.
Is it ok to throw away the old wedding dress? What do you do with the crystal glasses that nobody wants?
In her debut documentary, Karin Ekberg follows her parents with the camera during a year of their lives. A year that nothing is the same.
We meet them for the first time in what was once their shared home. Things need to be divided. The rooms are desolate, occasional furniture here and there. The mother has already moved and now it's just the last things to sort out. "Do you want this or not? You've never liked it! "It's nervy, loaded. The father carries out stuff to car, and he stops for a bit and wants to remember, in search for feelings that once existed.
The mother is impatient to get going. She doesn’t want to remember.
What happens between two people who get divorced? Who perhaps should have been divorced long time ago. A Separation is a tragicomedy that portrays the very last acts of a long marriage. A film about the tentative search for a beginning in what- at last, and unfortunately - is over.
Karin Ekberg was born in 1979 in Stockholm. She studied at the Dutch art academy AKI where she received a degree in photography in 2003. She also has a master’s in journalism from JMK at Stockholm University. Karin has since worked in the media industry as a journalist, project manager and communicator.
During a course in documentary filmmaking at Birkagården (2009/2010) Karin started working on her debut feature film A Separation. It was further developed during the workshop Twelve For the Future, and the graduate course Documentary Film Dramaturgy at the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts. The film has been selected for the official program at CPH:DOX 2013, and will have its Swedish premi-ere during the autumn 2013.
Presently Karin attends the second year of a 2-year master program at the Valand Academy Film in Gothenburg. She is also developing her next documentary An Angel in the Family (working title).
It was a combination of the gaping holes in the walls after hastily removed pictures, the ridiculous bick-ering about family heirlooms and the extremely uncomfortable way mum and dad skirted around each other that sparked my impulse to start filming. I wanted to capture the practical and emotional events and also the passage towards an uncertain future. Later, the focus shifted to what actually makes us stay and what happens when we dare to let go.