
纪录片  未知 1997 




包括两部片子《NaziMedicine》(纳粹医生)和《The Cross and The Star》   发行公司网页http://firstrunfeatures.com/nazimedicinedvd.html   The raise and fall of the Nazism, in a artistic and aesthetic view, is brilliantly showed in this film. I regret only that the economic situation of Germany is not presented at the same time, to give a complete big picture of Germany along this dark period of history. The focus is the megalomaniac dream of a sick leader of rebuilding the world in a standard of beauty. This is exposed magnificently in this stunning documentary. Probably it is one of the best ever made. It should be part of the curriculum of any high-school around the world. Indeed, the history teacher of my daughter recommended their students to watch this fantastic movie as a complementary of their class. The raise and fall of the nazism, their concern with arts, the megalomaniac dream of Hitler with pure race and a beautiful and aesthetic Germany first and then the world, are amazingly well presented in this great documentary. The research of Peter Cohen is great, and the clear, didactic and logical presentation gives a class of history to the viewer. Outstanding and remarkable. Two points along this film called mainly my attention: the first one is the dream of Hitler in designing a Berlin more beautiful than Paris (with an Arc of Triumph larger twice than the French one). The images in the end of the documentary shows how it ended. If the viewer has a chance to watch also Roberto Rossellini's movie 'Germany Year Zero' (of 1947), he will have a chance to see the rest of this megalomaniac dream. The other point was the initial preoccupation of Hitler in not dropping bombs in Greece, due to its historical patrimony to mankind. Unfortunately, recently in Iraq, the same respect was not demonstrated, and we watched on TV the destruction of a great patrimony of mankind, with museums, archaeological fields and other historical monuments being bombed. In Brazil, this film is spoken in German with subtitles in Portuguese. My vote is ten.   -----------   的提高和下降的纳粹主义,在艺术和审美观点,是精辟显示在这部影片。我感到遗憾的只是,该国经济情况的介绍,德国是不能在同一时间,使一个完整的大图片,德国在这黑暗的历史时期。重点是狂妄的梦想,一个生病的领导人重建世界标准的美感。这是暴露在这个惊人的辉煌纪录片。也许这是有史以来最好的。应的课程的一部分的任何高中世界各地。事实上,历史老师,我的女儿建议学生观看精彩的电影作为一种补充的阶级。的提高和下降的纳粹主义,他们的关注与艺术,希特勒的狂妄梦想与纯粹的种族和一个美丽和审美德国,然后在世界上,也非常以及在这一伟大的纪录片。这项研究的彼得科恩是伟大的,和明确的,合乎逻辑的教学和介绍给了一类的浏览器的历史。杰出和显着。沿着这两点要求主要电影我的注意:第一个是希特勒的梦想设计一个更美好的柏林巴黎(与弧门大两倍于法国的一个) 。中的图片的结束文件显示了如何结束。如果观众有机会观赏也罗伯特罗塞里尼的电影'德国零年( 1947年) ,他将有机会看到余下的狂妄梦想。另一点是最初关注的希特勒不会放弃炸弹在希腊,由于其对人类的历史遗产。不幸的是,最近在伊拉克问题上,同样的尊重并不表明,我们在电视上看到的破坏一个伟大的人类遗产,博物馆,考古等领域和其他历史古迹被轰炸。在巴西,这部电影是讲德语字幕葡萄牙语。


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