虽然78岁的Elle在瑞典北方的拉普兰大山中长大,母语也是萨米语,但她却不喜欢萨米族人, 现在她声称自己是地地道道的瑞典南方人。在他儿子的一再坚持下,Elle很不情愿地回到了北方去参加她姐姐的葬礼。在她准备离开之际,才发现自己的儿子打算跟她的北方亲戚们住一晚。Elle坚决不从,住进了当地满是游客的大酒店。
78-year-old Elle does not like Sámi people - though her first language was Sámi and she grew up in the mountains of Lappland. Now she claims that she is completely Swedish and from the south. Under pressure from her son, she reluctantly returns to her hometown for her sister's funeral. As they are about to leave, she understands that her son has planned for them to stay with their relatives over night. Refusing to do so, Elle checks in at the local Grand hotel with all the tourists…