BBC - 手机的生命周期

未知 英国  2009 




移动电话,通常称为手机,日本及港台地区通常称为手提电话、手电、携带电话,早期又有大哥大的俗称,是可以在较广范围内使用的便携式电话终端。   手机方便了生活,也带来了麻烦。本片访谈的一些用户讲述了手机给生活带来的各种影响和故事。   The Life and Death of a Mobile Phone   Through the life cycle of one mobile phone, this documentary investigates the million and one ways in which the mobile has made itself indispensable to modern life.   One in every two human beings has a mobile, and this inanimate lump of plastic and minerals is made privy to people's innermost secrets - conversations with friends, lovers and family. It holds family photos, plays favourite music and yet, as an instrument of communication, it has its paradoxes. People are dumped by text, some pretend to be deep in a telephone conversation to avoid speaking to real people and others are affronted when their bellowed conversations on public transport are overheard.   Then, at the end of a strangely intimate relationship, it becomes one of the one billion phones discarded every year - reconditioned for re-use or smelted down for the precious metals it contains.


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