官方网站: http://fogthefilm.com
预告: http://fogthefilm.com/page/trailer.html
十年回归的香港。患了一种罕见失忆症的年轻的伟(尹子维),正尝试从家人朋友口述回忆中努力寻回自己的过去。动荡不安,伟发现对自己过去隐藏着的重要线索,最后决定面对后果。 「雾」片随伟漂流于正处于历史的十字路口的香港,展开一场自我发现与救赎的旅程。
Hong Kong. The 10th anniversary of its reunification with China. Wai (Terence Yin), a young man whose memory has been wiped entirely clean from a rare amnesia, tries to recall his past through the conflicting recollection of his family and friends. Disturbed and drifting, he discovers certain vital clues to his personal history is being deliberately hidden from him, he decides to confront the consequence. Fog follows Wai through Hong Kong, itself at a historical crossroads and in search of a new identity, as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption.
Reicpient, Sundance Annenberg Grant
Jury Recognition for Visual Achievement - San Francisco International Asian-American Film Festival
Beijing International Movie Festival (China) - June 11/19, 2010
CinemAsia (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - May 23, 2010
Silk Screen Asian American Film Festival (Pittsburgh, PA USA) - May 13/15, 2010
Singapore International Film Festival - April 17, 2010
San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival
Kosmorama Trondheim International Film Festival (Norway)