
剧情 短片  美国  1911 

主演:Dmitri Shostakovich

导演:Boris Dvorkin


纪念苏联作曲家肖斯塔科维奇逝世30周年,无对白,音乐 黑白影像,类似苏古诺夫早期的那些短片。   Fate of the Artist is inseparable from the time of his life. Here are the works of the masters, and continue to live after his death. The film is "Epitaph" - tells about the fate of Dmitri Dmitrievich, the fate of the country, using a single language, which is organic in the narration about the composer - the language of music. The film became the Eighth Quartet, which Shostakovich himself wrote it: "... if I ever pomru, it is unlikely that person to work on my memory. That is why I have decided to write one. On the cover so you can write:" Dedicated to memory of the author of the quartet. "That is why this quartet sometimes called the biography of the composer. The authors have tried to see the film in a quartet that included the time in which he lived a great composer. However, they say that stories sometimes tend to recur.   Boris Dvorkin was born in 1958.He graduated from Leningrad Navy School and worked as a director of the radio station at the fishing boats. Later on the TV companies as a journalist, cameramen and film director.In 2002 graduated Higher Courses For Screen Writers and Film Directors. Workshop of non-fiction film directing. Masters – L.Gurevich, A.Gerasimov.He is working as a director at “Risk” film studio, “Positive-film” studio, studio “Cvart” and other.


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