* "Angel" Director: Andrei Smirnov
* "Rodina elektrichestva" Director: Larisa Shepitko
"Rodina elektrichestva" on the story by Andrei Platonov - filmed in the village Seroglazka Astrakhan region, and in the painting were employed, and many non-professional performers, residents of the village. Film together with the short story "Angel" by A. Smirnov and Motrya "G. Gabay was to enter into kinoalmanah" Nachalo nevedomogo veka "(Beginning of an Unknown Era), which studio" Mosfilm "prepared by the 50 th anniversary of the October Revolution. However, for censorship reasons, neither the" Homeland electricity "neither the" Angel " not released on the screen (now managed to restore and show the audience only 20 years later, in 1987).